Contact us

Contact Info

Factory's Sales Office

manager iconHead of the office: Mostafa Hamidnia (Mr.)
map marker2

Address: 3rd km of Naein to Isfahan Road- Naein Industrial Zone- Naein- Iran

phone iconTel : +98-31-46257082 to 4 Ext. 1
fax iconFax : +98-31-46251400
iconfinder 13 1250312Cell Phone: +98-913-4632459
sms text message icon 2SMS Number: +98-913-4632459

Email Address: Sales@arafan.comemail open2 

Telegram 512Telegram : wwwarafancom
instagram squareInstagram :  arafan_hydraulics

Foreign Trade Department Office

manager iconHead of the office: Ali Sajedi (Mr.)
map marker2 Address: Between 26 and 28th alleys- Kohandezh Street- Isfahan- Iran
phone iconTel : +98-31-32234109 / 32232935 / 32232938
fax iconfax: +98-31-32234109 / 32232935 / 32232938
iconfinder 13 1250312Cell phone: +98-9131230072
sms text message icon 2SMS Number: +98-9306642613 - +98-9218922021

email open2

Telegram 512Telegram : wwwarafancom

instagram squareInstagram: arafan_hydraulics

instagram squareWhatsApp: +98-9306642613 - +98-9218922021

Isfahan Sales Office

manager iconHead of the office: Mohammad Hassan Mofidi (Mr.)
map marker2

Address: Between 26 and 28th alleys- Kohandezh Street- Isfahan- Iran

phone iconTel: +98-31-37650787 / 37650786
fax iconFax: +98-31-37650778
iconfinder 13 1250312Cell Phone: +98-9012772578
sms text message icon 2SMS Number: +98-9012772578

email open2

Email address 

Telegram 512Telegram: +98-9012772578
instagram squarewhatsapp: +98-9012772578

Tehran Sales Office

manager iconHead of the office: Omidreza Mofidi (Mr.)
map marker2Address: No. 179- Milad Ghaem Trade Building- Ghazvin St.- Tehran- Iran
phone iconTel : +98-21-66695051/66628705/66651127
fax iconfax: +98-21-66695051/66628705/66651127
iconfinder 13 1250312Cell Phone: +98-9131230009
sms text message icon 2SMS Number: +98-9902150166

email open2

Telegram 512Telegram: +98-9902150166
instagram square


: +98-9902150166

Our Location

Contact Form

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Contact Info

Factory :
Email : info@arafan.comemail open
tell icon2Tel : +98-31-46257082 
Tehran Sales Office:
email openEmail :
tell icon2Tel : +98-21-66695051 
Isfahan Sales Office:
email openEmail :
tell icon2Tel : +98-31-37650786

Our Location

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