
Head of the department: Motahari (Mrs.)

Tel: +98-31-46257082 Ext. 2
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Tasks and Responsibilities

bullet ball blueBookkeeping
bullet ball blueFinancial accounting
bullet ball blueManagement of financial systems
bullet ball blueManagement of company’s cash flow
bullet ball blueBudgets and forecasting
bullet ball blueAdvising and sourcing longer-term financing
bullet ball blueManagement of Taxes
bullet ball blueManagement of Company’s Investments
bullet ball blueFinancial Reporting and analysis

Contact Info

Factory :
Email : info@arafan.comemail open
tell icon2Tel : +98-31-46257082 
Tehran Sales Office:
email openEmail :
tell icon2Tel : +98-21-66695051 
Isfahan Sales Office:
email openEmail :
tell icon2Tel : +98-31-37650786

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